Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Presidential Election

Dear Barrows Community-

Last night our country elected our 45th president of the United States.  With the election will come mixed emotions for children and families.  Our recommendation as a school?  Talk with your child about it, share that over the many years of our country’s history there have been people in our country on both sides of the election results.  Teach our children that what matters each day is to be kind and respectful – especially of those who may feel differently than you.  This is a wonderful excuse to talk about tolerance and how we as a community respectfully engage with family, friends, and neighbors who may differ from us.  It also provides a wonderful opportunity to talk about our systems of government and that there are countries around the world that do not allow their people a voice in selecting their leaders, or that their leadership is a lifetime appointment (rather than a 4 year appointment.)  This is a time for learning, acceptance, and inclusion of each other.  And in the end… most importantly… be kind!


Mrs. Leonard

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