Kim Marshall, an education author and expert, wrote a summary about this recently published work around intentional and purposeful practice. I thought you might appreciate it!
Makes Perfect – But Only the Right Kind of Practice
In this Education
Next review of Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool’s new book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of
Expertise, Daniel Willingham (University of Virginia) highlights the
distinction the authors draw between merely repeating a process and deliberate practice. The old adage says
that practice makes perfect – “But if practice is all there is to it, why has
my typing improved so little in the last 40 years?” asks Willingham. “Even
though I type every day, my typing is not really practicing, because I’m not
purposefully or systematically trying to improve it. Given that I have not
formally studied typing, I may even be reinforcing bad technique.”
According to Ericsson and Pool, several key components are
involved in making mere practice deliberate:
what needs improvement;
one small aspect of the skill to work on;
a strategy;
the results of the revised performance;
a lot (perhaps 10,000 hours).
In this construct,
talent is much less important, except perhaps in athletics, where physical
attributes give some people a big advantage. But Ericsson and Pool argue that in
most domains, innate ability is important only before people start practicing.
“The kid with a high IQ will play better chess than the kid with a low IQ,”
summarizes Willingham, “but only because neither knows much about chess. If
they both practice, the influence of IQ will disappear, and whoever practices
more will be the better player.”
What are the implications of this book for schools?
Clearly it’s helpful to get past the innate ability/intelligence paradigm, and
the concept of deliberate practice has wide implications. For example, teachers
may think students will learn collaboration skills if they’re assigned to do
group projects. “But working in a group is simply experience,” says Willingham.
“If you want students to become better group members, they need to practice
being a group member. They must be explicitly taught how to work in groups, and
that’s something few schools do.”
It’s also
important to work on one skill at a time – for example, breaking down the
process of writing a research paper into smaller tasks, each of which needs practice,
feedback, and refinement: using a database to locate research; evaluating the
relevance of sources; creating an annotated bibliography; writing a rough
outline; writing a detailed outline; and then the four or five steps of writing
the actual paper.
Ericsson and
Pool’s book got Willingham thinking about teachers’ professional learning
curve, which tends to flatten out after the first few years. Could the reason
be the lack of deliberate practice – and the time to engage in that kind of
systematic analysis of areas for improvement, practice, feedback, and more practice?
In addition, says Willingham, “Practice is only possible if practitioners agree
on who the experts are, so the goals of practice can be articulated. In
addition, educators will need to define the sequence of subskills to be acquired
on the way to expertise. Practitioners need to know what ‘once you’re mastered
X, you move on to Y.’”
Practice Makes Perfect: What Everyone Can Learn from Top Performers” by Daniel
Willingham in his review of Peak: Secrets
from the New Science of Expertise by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool (Eamon
Dolan/Houghton Mifflin, 2016), in Education
Next, Winter 2016 (Vol. 17, #1, p. 80-81),