Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Community activities reminder

Hello Barrows families,

This message is a quick safety reminder for our school community for Valentines and 100 day fun.  Even with these community celebrations, we need to ensure student healthy, wellness, and safety. We will continue to follow the Health & Allergy Guidelines implemented in all Reading Public Schools which prohibit candy and food sharing in classrooms. I have included the information taken directly from our policy below. We appreciate your support in keeping our students safe & healthy during these activities.
  1. All elementary classrooms should be "food free." Food-related activities are prohibited in classrooms (with the exception of daily snacks that students bring from home). To reduce contact reactions and potential for cross-contamination, no food should be used as part of curriculum, class lessons, projects, arts, crafts, etc.
  2. Classroom celebrations or parties will find safe and inclusive ways to celebrate without involving food. Instead, the focus might involve a shared activity such as a craft or game, and rewards or prizes might include special pencils, stickers, etc.
A link for the district allergy guidelines can be found here:

Thank you for your ongoing support, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!
Heather Leonard

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